Are you struggling with a tight or flat-lipped smile? If so, then this post is for you! You may think getting the perfect wide-eyed grin requires no more effort than simply moving your lips. But in reality, it’s much more complex. It involves certain facial muscles and specific exercises to create a fuller smile. In this article, we’ll provide tips on how to lift the corners of your lips naturally and look beautiful when you crack into a charming grin!
Why do the corners of the lips droop?
Ptosis is the most common cause of aging skin. It means the skin starts to sag and loses its tightness. It happens when you often make facial expressions, leading to wrinkles, sagging cheeks, and a limp smile. When people are sad, they look older. Sometimes a person’s mouth has a natural shape that looks sad even when they aren’t. But in both cases, the same thing must be done to make them look older.
How to tighten the corners of the lips?
People can do different kinds of things to solve a problem. For example, someone might get injections or surgery to fix the corners of their lips. But there is an easier way – a lifting facial. Massage can help, too. You can even do it at home with special tools like a gouache scraper or jade roller.
Exercises to lift the corners of the lips
Pucker up and hold it: Place your lips in a puckered position as if you were about to kiss someone. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then release. Repeat this exercise several times a day. It will help strengthen the muscles around your mouth and make them more able to hold the smile for longer.
Smile with eyes: This exercise is also known as “smize” (smiling with your eyes). Look in a mirror and focus on one eye at a time while you think of something that makes you smile or laugh. You should feel an upward pull on the corners of your mouth. Hold this position for 10 seconds before switching to the other eye and repeating the exercise.
Smile while chewing gum: Chewing gum helps increase circulation in your face and can help lift the corners of your lips into a wide smile. Chew on one side at a time, focusing on smiling with that side. Hold that smile for 5-10 seconds before switching to the other side and repeating the exercise.
Smile with your fingers: This is a great way to ensure you use all the muscles in your face when you smile. Place two fingers on either side of your mouth, and then try to pull the corners of your lips up while smiling. Hold this position for 10 seconds before releasing.
Smile with resistance: Place a small object, like a cotton ball or rubber eraser, between your teeth and try to smile against it. It will create some resistance to help you engage the muscles in your cheeks and lift the corners of your lips.